If you’re a Black person, a Negro, a Person of Color, do you really need to do an ancestry gene search? Just stop for a long minute from all of the important things happening in your life that keeps you so busy. Pause! Now then, remember that most Americans think that a Black person is just another Black person. Except, most Black Americans are the people who reject this. So then, who are Black Americans?
Take a good look at the image here. Ask yourself a real honest and dedicated to your Blackness question. Does the man in the image look like a straight up Black guy to you or not? You have streets in your neighborhood, right? If you live in an urban community or even on a farm community, you can’t tell me that there isn’t at least one- or two-color black as the streets there. Black as the street. And black as the street was the color of the skin, dark-skinned, of the man in the image.
No red color, Person of Color. No olive color, Person of Color. Just plain old common-sense Black as the street color- American Indian, that is. So, you have been lied to all this time.
Of course, the man in the image looks like a Black guy. That’s because he is. And if you look a bit closer, go ahead, don’t be shy, stare at him, doesn’t the man in the image look just like one of your cousins? If you know of twin cousins in the family, and you are a family guy, unlike some people you know very well are not, you are well aware that family twin cousins don’t need the same skin complexion to be twins. Okay then. How many times has somebody said to you that, I just saw this person today who looks exactly just like you? Same skin complexion, dark-skinned, light-skinned, same nose, same ears, same lips, and if you wear glasses, he or she look just like you but wearing different glasses. Hey, you got a twin out there!
That happens a lot or a little bit, the you got a twin out there thing, just because of the man in the image and so many other men and women who are not in this image. These are your real twins’ family.
Most people know that the guy in the image is one of the most famous men alive, a contemporary historian. Who’s contemporary? Abraham Lincoln, a Racist and White Supremacist, that’s who. Who’s your daddy’s famous grand cousin? A Black man. Read what he said to the U.S. Gov. under the U.S. Constitution:
General Crook said to me, "Why did you leave the reservation?" I said: "You told me that I might live in the reservation the same as white people lived. One year I raised a crop of corn, and gathered and stored it, and the next year I put in a crop of oats, and when the crop was almost ready to harvest, you told your soldiers to put me in prison, and if I resisted, to kill me. If I had been let alone, I would now have been in good circumstances, but instead of that you and the Mexicans are hunting me with soldiers."
The U.S. Gov. under the U.S. Constitution changed the name of ALL BLACK PEOPLES from Black peoples to American Indian just as clear as they lied about how the American Indian would be able to live the same as White people lived. And of course, different groups of Black peoples were at war against other groups of Black peoples such as how the American Indian was warring against the Mexicans before the White people, the U.S. Gov. and its soldiers, one of the U.S. Gov. soldiers was a General Crook, took over territories.
But what is the name of the Black person in the image? Geronimo. No gimmick. No mix-Race of people. No Native Americans are originally from Asia myth. No African Slaves brought into America by means of the Slave Trade. True Native Black Americans before European America- who look just like YOU.
Only long before Lincoln was ever alive, there have always been so many of them Black peoples that the White man decided to change the name of Black peoples from Black to American Indian, to Mexican, but NEVER Buffalo Soldier.
White people have the power to change names and identify others as whatever they put their minds to do. But there are times when the others hold fast to a given name or name change that has nothing to do with the White people.
The Black soldiers who were responsible for the capture of Geronimo were identified as Negros; a name change from Black.
Geronimo and other groups of Native Americans never attempted to change the name of the Negro because Native American didn’t use a Race status to identify other groups of Black peoples. Why would Black people create a Race for groups of people who they could clearly see were their own twin family?
Facts are ONLY White people created Race status to identify other groups of White peoples even though they could clearly see the other groups of White people were their own twin family.
In the Black universal family of twins, Geronimo called the Black Soldiers Buffalo Soldiers. Not Buffalo Soldiers Negros. Not Buffalo Soldiers Niggers. Just Buffalo Soldiers.
The American Indian, the originators of TREATIES, such as the Constitution, a treaty between states for the sole purpose not to WAR against states, identified groups of Black peoples by map of the state territory. That’s why Geronimo named-called the Black peoples that he was also at war with, Mexicans.
Did I mention that the U.S. Constitution was stolen, plagiarized from Black people of America? But that’s another topic. It should be a no-brainer to you why everything that is Black was changed renaming it something else. EVERYTHING THAT THEY COULD CHANGE.
No African American was name-called the Buffalo Soldier.
The Black U.S. military soldiers were name-called the Buffalo Soldier because Geronimo was well aware of the fact that the Black soldier cavalry unit were far more excellent buffalo hunters than he and other groups of Native Americans were.
Of course, the Buffalo Soldiers were better buffalo hunters than the other tribes and clans nearby. They were the same Black people who looked just like Geronimo, who looked just like YOU, Black people.
The myth about Black people having so-called hair that appeared to be directly descent from Africa is just that, a myth that White people created.
And as for being given the name Buffalo Soldier and accepting the name, just like accepting the name American Indian and/or Negro, which by the way isn’t a negative thing to have done, another reason why Geronimo name-called his twin cousins Buffalo Soldiers is because the buffalo is mainly Black.
Never name-calling the Black soldier, Nigger soldiers, a derogatory name for groups of Black people, Geronimo, the Mexicans, and even groups of White peoples called them Buffalo Soldiers.
Speaking of groups of White peoples and the Buffalo Soldiers… they say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. You have heard about that. The image of Geronimo may not do him beauty justice. Geronimo had many wives, beautiful, fine as wine, Women of Color.
But that didn’t deter many White women from romantic relations interest with Geronimo.
During many of the Geronimo battles against other groups of peoples, White women were taken and in no hurry to return to living in the White American Community. In fact, White women, those who were not Racist or White Supremacist this is, were heavily attracted to not only the Native American identity but also the Buffalo Soldier identity as well.
The White woman was considered as amounting to nothing right along with how the Black woman was considered as amounting to nothing during the Lincoln time period. Black Indians, be they American Indian, or Buffalo Soldiers, or those falsely identified as people who were formally African Slaves, considered the woman as the most important part of the identity of the twin family- She was the leader of the tribe and clan.
The enemy concentrated on making writings, facts and myths, about men like say, Geronimo and others because White people wanted to maintain what the U.S. Constitution is really all about… White men are valued only followed by men regardless of Race.
The story that the Buffalo Soldiers are Calvary units made up of former African Slaves and their connection with the Revolutionary War and the Civil War is myth.
Just think about things and African Slaves the same way that you stare at the image of Geronimo. What are the chances of African Slaves suddenly becoming far better horse riders, buffalo hunters, more so than the other groups of Black peoples who fought in every U.S. Gov. war, -the Native Americans? Excellent chances? Pretty good chances? Not hardly a realistic storytelling chance.
It was Geronimo who asked the Buffalo Soldiers the explosive question as the Buffalo Soldiers were on their assignment to capture him, why are you fighting for the White man, trying to fight against me, after what they have done to you for so many, many years?
Does it make any good common sense to you that Geronimo was talking about what the White man had done to them and Slavery? Geronimo was born during the Abraham Lincoln period. Does anyone really think that Geronimo would be concerned with the study of Slavery in America compared with the American Indian Wars that really never stopped, even up to now in 2019?
Just like the U.S. Gov. and its U.S. Constitution has a history of blatant name changing when it comes to EVERY thing, all of you African Americans, Mexicans Americans, Latino Americans, Indigenous Americans, Aboriginals Americans, Native Americans and more, have always been the same groups of peoples, either during the Geronimo or during the Buffalo Soldier, or doing the Sellout in America because- are all Black people.
And being Black, that part of you, is never going to change. Geronimo!
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